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This website was built on our newest original PHP template engine. The new engine maximizes the website's
search-engine readiness. Major search engines will spider the links and pages with ease, picking up the
relevant content and pushing the site towards the top of search results.
The new template engine remains a perfect framework for any future addons and regular website maintenance,
minimizing the upkeep costs.
The administration section has following features:
- Gallery - add photo albums and photos to the gallery
- Mailing List - management of collected and self-entered email addresses
- Newsletter - ability to compose, preview, and send a newsletter to the mailing list
Graphic Design
The design for the website was inspired by the hunting theme - natural colors and camouflage patterns.
Photographs provided by the client were extensively utilized in layouts of individual pages.
The designer attempted to depict the atmosphere of quietness before the hunt.
The website features a photo gallery designed with MM Flash technology. It enables the visitor to
efficiently browse through a series of photo albums containing unlimited number of photographs.
The client maintains the gallery through the administration interface.
Comment from the client:
Thank you for all of the great work... I can't tell you how pleased I am with the way it looks.

Front page detail

Gallery detail

Administration section navigation
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