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Independence Fuel, as all other websites in our portfolio, is powered by our original application. It allows the registered
users to order fuel delivery or service online. When logged in, the users can edit their account and tank information
and place their orders.
The administration section has following features:
- Services - add, edit, remove services. If marked as special, the services appear automatically on specific pages of the public and users' pages.
- Fuel Pricing - update regular and special fuel prices.
- Mailing List - includes ability to send a text message to all registered users.
Graphic Design
The design for this website was very much dictated by the look of the company's logo. The design of other elements was inspired by
the idea of nature preservation and advantages of using biofuel over the more conventional heating fuels. The look is clean
and crisp to accommodate the large quantity of information, and the functionality of both public and member area of the site.
All navigation uses clearly designed graphics to make the site (both public and administration) user friendly.
The pages with functionality are made as simple as possible, so that an average user can take advantage of the
convenient online service in just a few simple clicks.