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Except for the home page, the majority of the content on this site is drawn from the client's partners' websites.
It is a "one-stop-shop" - visitors can easily link to new and used car dealer listings, as well as financing
and insurance information.
The Auto Seller / Auto Shopper portion of the site runs on state-of-the-art custom programmed software.
It powers two main functions: vehicle sales ad tool, and search through listings. It supports over 50,000 records.
Auto Seller enables a visitor to submit a vehicle sales ad, including a photograph, for a fee. The whole process is
done through three easy steps: build, preview and submit. The preview step can be skipped if the visitor is confident
her or his ad will look good when displayed (convenient for returning customers). When an ad is submitted,
an e-mail message gets sent to the site manager with notification. A link takes the person to an administration area,
where the ad can be reviewed and approved. This tool additionally prevents abuse of the system.
Auto Shopper allows a visitor to search through the vehicle database based on different criteria. The results
get listed in a table with sorting ability. By clicking on an image or a button, details of a listing are displayed.
The detailed search results displays all entries about the vehicle, and also provides additional search tools.
For example, if the vehicle displayed has a sunroof, the searcher can search for all the cars with that feature by
clicking on the word "sunroof". The previous search criteria will stay relevant.
The system is compatible with another independent vehicle database, and it draws the updates from it on daily basis.
Graphic Design
This site required clean design, because of the many links and banners in bright colors and embeded partners' sites.
The Auto Seller / Auto Shopper was built for two separate clients who are partners, and it was designed so
that the company logo can easily be replaced. It is clean and fresh. Special attention was given to user-friendly interfaces.
The beauty of the entire project is that it looks very simple, smooth and is easy to use despite the complexity of the back-end.
Comment from a satisfied
Auto Seller - Auto Shopper virtual carlot user:
Auto Seller - Auto Shopper virtual carlot user:
Once I actually started using the New England Auto Mall feature, however, I came to greatly appreciate the new look.
It's fantastic! The new format is very user-friendly and extremely comprehensive. Thank you for making such an outstanding tool

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Auto Seller - Auto Shopper virtual carlot

A vehicle listing
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